DSWD MIMAROPA Champions Efficient Payment Systems for Social Pension Beneficiaries in 2024

The Department of Social Welfare and Development Field Office MIMAROPA has successfully adopted the most cost-efficient and expedient payment methods for the Social Pension Program. 

This initiative aligns with the fulfillment of Republic Act 11916, which increases the social pension stipend from Php 500.00 to Php 1,000.00 for indigent senior citizens and appropriates the necessary funds.

In CY 2024 implementation, the Regional Social Pension Unit has a target of Two Hundred Six Thousand Three Hundred Forty-One (206,341) indigent and eligible senior citizens to avail social pension stipend with a corresponding allocation of Two Billion Four Hundred Seventy-Five Million Seven Hundred Sixty-Eight Thousand (Php 2,475,768,000.00). 

Further, the program utilizes two payment modes to expedite its implementation: Cash Advance by Disbursing Officers and Transfer of Funds to Local Government Units (LGUs).

For the Cash Advance by Disbursing Officers, funds were distributed to 32 LGUs during the 1st semester, 43 LGUs during the 3rd quarter, and 33 LGUs during the 4th quarter. 

While, for the Transfer of Funds to LGUs, funds were transferred to 41 LGUs in the 1st semester, 30 LGUs in the 3rd quarter, and 40 LGUs in the 4th quarter.

In compliance with the mandate of Republic Act No. 11916 – Indigent senior citizens shall be entitled to a monthly stipend amounting to not less than One Thousand Pesos (Php 1,000.00) to augment the daily subsistence and other medical needs of the senior citizens. 

Moreover, the DSWD Field Office MIMAROPA fulfills the mandates through the timely provision of social pension stipends to Two Hundred Three Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy (203,770) or 98.75%  – 1st semester, Two Hundred One Thousand Fifteen (201,015) or 97. 42% – 3rd quarter and One Hundred Ninety- Seven Eight Hundred Eighteen (197,818) or 95.89% – 4th quarter, CY 2024.

With a total fund disbursed for CY 2024 amounts to Php 1,915,221,000.00, the combined efforts of the 73 LGUs in the region have ensured the timely disbursement of the increased stipend before the end of CY 2024. 

The adoption of the Transfer of Fund Modality has been identified as the most feasible and efficient delivery scheme for the distribution of the social pension in the region. 


This method ensures that the total allocated funds for the beneficiaries are transferred and disbursed by the LGUs on a quarterly basis, allowing for a streamlined and cost-effective implementation of the program. 

“The adoption of cost-efficient and expedient payment methods for the Social Pension Program in 2024 is a testament to our commitment to improving the delivery of social services and by prioritizing both efficiency and accessibility, we ensure that our senior citizens receive the support they need without delay which is another step forward in fulfilling our mandate of providing genuine care and service to the people of MIMAROPA.” Leonardo C. Reynoso, CESO III, Regional Director, DSWD MIMAROPA 
