BULALACAO | Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) MIMAROPA has officially turned over a newly constructed evacuation center subproject through the Kapit-bisig Laban sa Kahirapan – Comprehensive and Integrated Delivery of Social Services (KALAHI-CIDSS) program in Bulalacao, Oriental Mindoro on May 10, 2024.

The newly constructed evacuation center is a community subproject covering 15 barangays with a total project cost of Php 6,102,145.11, serves as a beacon of hope, embodying the resilience and unity of Barangay Poblacion and its neighboring communities.

Among the attendees of the ceremony are key partners and stakeholders such as members of the Municipal Inter-agency Committee (MIAC) which include Hon. Mayor Ernilo C. Villas, Gideon B. Abuel, Municipal Administrator, Municipal Area Coordinator (MAC), Donnabel Ferranco, Budget Officer, Dyna Krissle F. Cantos, MSWDO, Francis Ian Mendoza, OIC-MPDC; Mary Ann Maligalig, Municipal Treasurer, representatives from the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), and KALAHI-CIDSS Regional Program Management Office headed by Atty. Aldrin F. Bandal, Regional Program Coordinator.

Followed by a simple ceremony officiated by Rev. Fr. Allan Fallaria, the Area and Municipal Coordinating Teams (A/MCT) formally handed over the facility’s key and essential documents to the Barangay Council of Brgy. Poblacion, which symbolizes the community’s commitment to owning and maintaining the project.

Further, Francis Ian Mendoza, OIC-MPDO underscored the necessity of allocating funds for the operations and maintenance of all projects, ensuring their sustainability for future generations.

On the other hand, Atty. Aldrin F. Bandal, KALAHI-CIDSS RPC expressed his profound gratitude to the Municipal and Barangay Local Government Units for their steadfast support throughout the project’s journey and dedication in bringing the vision of a safer and more resilient community to fruition.

Atty. Bandal also highlighted the invaluable contributions of the Community Volunteers and the importance of grassroots participation in governance through their tireless efforts, from project inception to maintenance which foster the real essence of community-driven development (CDD) principles of participatory, transparency, and accountability.

The appointment of the “Ladies First” group by the Barangay LGU and the Barangay Development Council – Technical Working Group (BDC-TWG) as the Operations and Maintenance Group reflects a proactive approach to ensuring the facility’s upkeep.

Community volunteers expressed their heartfelt gratitude for the subproject, recognizing its potential to benefit thousands of residents during times of adversity. #

