MARINDUQUE – The DSWD MIMAROPA awarded a total of Php 10,200,000.00 livelihood assistance to 680 Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) participants from the municipalities of Boac, Mogpog, Sta. Cruz, Buenavista, Gasan, and Torrijos last July 16-17, 2024. 

Each recipient who attended SLP orientation, Micro-Enterprise Development Training (MEDT) I, Basic Business Management Training (BBMT), and financial literacy session was given Php 15,000.00 seed capital fund to kick-start their approved business venture. 

Present during the payout are the SLP staff from the Regional Program Management Office (RPMO) and Provincial Office, together with Hon. Marissa Red-Martinez, Mayor of Sta. Cruz, Hon. Joel T. Cruzado, Vice-Mayor of Torrijos, and representatives from the Office of Congressman Lord Allan Jay Q. Velasco. 

Livelihood grants for the remaining ten program participants from Boac, Gasan, Buenavista, and Mogpog, who were not physically present during the two-day payout shall commence.

The recipients expressed immense gratitude and joy upon receiving the cash assistance, enabling them to embark on their entrepreneurial projects. Each of them is determined to grow and sustain their businesses to improve their way of living.

Livelihood grant distribution in Gasan, Torrijos, Boac, and Sta. Cruz

Through the SLP, the Department hopes to reach more poor, vulnerable, and marginalized households and communities, to help improve their socio-economic conditions through accessing and acquiring necessary assets to engage in and maintain thriving livelihoods.  


Contributor: Fatima Concepcion P. Pelaez, SLP Marinduque Project Development Officer

