ORIENTAL MINDORO – The Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP) of the DSWD MIMAROPA participated in the conduct of the Time and Motion Study by the SLP National Program Management Office (NPMO) last July 9-11, 2024 in the province of Oriental Mindoro.

The activity aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Memorandum Circular 07 Series of 2023 or the Revised Guidelines for the Comprehensive Implementation of the SLP, understand the workload of the field implementers, and identify any challenges in the process of the program implementation.

Led by Project Development Officer (PDO) IV Jessie Mar Chavez, PDO III Richard Anthony Dizon, and PDO I Danilo Catipunan of the SLP-NPMO with the assistance of the Regional Systems Data Analyst Reniel Villamater, the study began with a focus group discussion with the SLP provincial staff. Then, the whole team went to four barangays in the municipality of Roxas for a field visit and conducted an on-site interview with the two SLP Associations namely Glow Up SLPA of Brgy. San Aquilino and Mama’s Best SLPA of Brgy. Paclasan and three more individual program participants to solicit feedback and challenges on the guidelines. 

Further, the NPMO staff also interviewed Implementing PDOs Necy Maac of Roxas and May Ann Magarso of Mansalay to better understand their experiences and observe the workflows to record the time taken for each step.

During the exit conference, the interviewers presented the issues and recommendations to the province and cited that the study was successful with them gathering crucial data to enhance the existing SLP guidelines. The feedback and recommendations were all noted and provided valuable insights in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the program’s processes.


Contributor: Necy Villanueva and Ruel Caiga, SLP Oriental Mindoro Project Development Officers
