Puerto Princesa City– Last February 15-16, 2018 the DSWD Kalahi CIDSS MIMAROPA under National Community Driven Development Program hosted a two-day forum with the Local Chief Executives of the Palawan Cluster at the Ponce de Leon Garden Resort, Puerto Princesa City Palawan.

Representatives from Kalahi CIDSS implementing municipalities in Palawan participated in the said activity to provide updates on the current program implementation in their area as well as adopt strategies and techniques on how to accomplish the projects efficiently and in timely manner.

Together with the Regional Program Management Office of Kalahi CIDSS MIMAROPA, the management have answered the concerns of the mayors that were raised regarding the closing of the Asia Development Bank (ADB) funded municipalities. ADB funded municipalities are set to close on March 2018 which will affect eleven (11) municipalities in Palawan. Most of the questions revolve on the completion of Sub-Projects and the consequences if the projects were not completed on the target dates. The LCEs were also consulted on the assistance that they need from the RPMO of Kalahi CIDSS to accomplish this endeavor.

More so, the RPMO also lobbied to the LCEs the integration of the Kalahi CIDSS process, plans and activities to be included in the long term plans of the LGU.


