The Enhanced Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty – Regional Program Management Office (EPAHP-RPMO) of DSWD MIMAROPA conducted a monitoring, assessment, and validation of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in the provinces of Oriental Mindoro and Marinduque, May 6-10, 2024.

Through the field visit, the DSWD aims to assist and determine the capacity and readiness of CBOs to engage in the above-mentioned procurement process in preparation for the 14th cycle implementation of the Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP).

Further, the validation and assessment will equip and prepare the CBOs for participating in government procurement opportunities such as feeding programs.

Using the Negotiated Procurement-Community Participation (NP-CP) mode of procurement will ensure the participation of small-scale CBOs in government procurement which will widen their market and increase income. The DSWD shall act as a procuring entity under Republic Act No. 9184, wherein the Department will facilitate the procurement through NP-CP. 

This initiative is in collaboration with the Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP), the Department of Agriculture (DA), and the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) together with the Sustainable Livelihood Program Associations (SLPAs) Farmers’ Associations, and the Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs). 
