In the tranquil village of Barangay Suba, nestled in the heart of Cuyo, Palawan, resides a beacon of resilience and determination — Ma. Frenesi C. Ursabia. She is not just a beneficiary of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), but a testament to the unwavering spirit of Filipino solo parents.

For nearly six years, Frenesi has single-handedly raised her child, facing life’s challenges head-on with an unyielding spirit. Her main source of sustenance is a modest vegetable garden lovingly nurtured right outside her home. Beans, eggplants, okra, bitter gourd, and water spinach thrive under her care—a testament to her green thumb and dedication.

Together with her child, they tend to the garden diligently, seizing every opportunity during school holidays to sow seeds and nurture growth. Over time, their efforts have borne fruit, both literally and figuratively. What began as a means of sustenance has blossomed into a thriving enterprise. Regular customers from town eagerly await her fresh produce, while others from nearby communities seek her vegetables for their own homes.

The seasons dictate the ebb and flow of her earnings. During the southwest monsoon, known locally as the habagat, her profits soar compared to the northeast monsoon. To supplement her income during leaner times, she takes on extra laundry work for neighbors, friends, and acquaintances—a testament to her resourcefulness and determination to provide for her family.

The Ursabia family’s journey is not just about survival but about triumph against adversity. Their unwavering belief that poverty should never be a barrier to success fuels their daily grind. Each day, they sow seeds of hope and reap the rewards of their hard work, inspiring those around them with their resilience.

In a world where challenges often outweigh opportunities, Frenesi stands tall as a symbol of perseverance and the indomitable Filipino spirit. Her story echoes across the quiet streets of Barangay Suba, reminding us all that amidst life’s trials, the simplest seeds of determination can grow into fields of abundance.

As she tends to her garden, she nurtures not only vegetables but dreams—dreams that transcend the boundaries of circumstance and bloom into a future bright with promise. Through her labor of love, “Gulayan sa Bakuran” becomes more than just a garden; it becomes a testament to the power of hope and hard work in transforming lives.

In the end, Frenesi’s story teaches us that true wealth lies not in material possessions but in the richness of the human spirit—the ability to cultivate hope, nourish dreams, and harvest success from the most unexpected of places. ###
