(Photo taken by Mr. Reign Sarusad Sobebe, PDO II MCCT-IP Balabac)

Balabac, Palawan – With its gold like color, beneficiaries in Balabac, Palawan continued to venture into this livelihood to bring food on their table. But just like gold, it has to go through a refinement process before it could turn into something more valuable. To date, the region has covered a total of more than 300 families under MCCT for Indigenous People with approximately 70% of the registered families engage into Seaweeds Production as their main source of living.

In 2016, the program has provided them with livelihood support through the SSI project of the Department to help them increase their production and eventually bring more resources for the family to meet their daily basic needs. Unfortunately, most of them were affected by Super Typhoon Vinta last December 2017 destroying 80-90% of their seaweeds farms. Months after the impact, families are now trying to rebuild their livelihood with the materials and small capital left by typhoon while waiting for the assistance that could be provided to them by the government and other agencies.

Despite their situation, they are still thankful that there is no casualties recorded brought by the typhoon except in Mangsee Island which sustained great damage to the livelihood and other resources of the residents.

(Words by Mr. Reji Pancho, MCCT-IP Focal)
