No dream is impossible as long as you continue: The 2013 Pantawid Pamilya National Exemplary Child is Now a Licensed Civil Engineer

Back in October 25, 2013, there was a young girl who cried in an interview during the conduct of the National Search for Exemplary Pantawid Pamilya Children when she was asked about the absence of her parents from their family. It was because, at the age of 10, her father left them while her mother continue reading : No dream is impossible as long as you continue: The 2013 Pantawid Pamilya National Exemplary Child is Now a Licensed Civil Engineer


DSWD Pantawid Pamilya trains staff to improve partnership skills

MALATE, Manila City — The DSWD Field Office MIMAROPA, through the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) conducts training for its City/Municipal Links and Project Development Officers to improve their communication and partnership skills. Through the training entitled “Skills Enhancement on Effective Communication and Partnership with New Program Partners/Stakeholders” different topics were discussed to help the continue reading : DSWD Pantawid Pamilya trains staff to improve partnership skills



PUERTO PRINCESA CITY, Palawan — The DSWD Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) conducted a Joint Review Mission Field Visit in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan on May 25 to 27, 2022. Among the participants of the Joint Review Mission Field Visit were the representatives of the development partners from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), continue reading : PANTAWID PAMILYA CONDUCTS A JOINT REVIEW MISSION FIELD VISIT IN PALAWAN


DSWD MIMAROPA hails 4Ps Staff as 1st Kinang Best Social Worker

MALATE, Manila City —- In the recently held 71st Founding Anniversary of the DSWD celebrated by the Regional Office MIMAROPA, a social worker from the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) at the Provincial Operation Office (POO) in Palawan was hailed as the first-ever Kinang Awardee: Best Social Worker. Ms. Faith Tabi-Cripino, 4Ps Social Welfare Officer continue reading : DSWD MIMAROPA hails 4Ps Staff as 1st Kinang Best Social Worker



The 17-year-old child from Oriental Mindoro realized that there is no easy path to success. But with perseverance and determination, his little steps will go a long way. Thus even with fear and doubt in his heart, he keeps up with his dream and continues his journey to possibilities.  The family of Christian Jay Jimenez continue reading : NO SHORT-CUT TO SUCCESS: 4Ps CHILD CONTINUES JOURNEY TO POSSIBILITIES


4Ps features IP leader from Palawan for the 2022 WM celebration

BROOKE’S POINT, Palawan — The DSWD Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) features an Indigenous People (IP) leader from Palawan in celebration of the National Women’s Month 2022. Nokraya Phuto, a former 4Ps beneficiary, is a member of Palaw’an Tribe in Sitio. Babanga, Brgy. Malis, Brooke’s Point, Palawan. Through the efforts and determination of Nokraya, more continue reading : 4Ps features IP leader from Palawan for the 2022 WM celebration


Former 4Ps beneficiary ranks 8th place in SWLE

AGUTAYA, Palawan — A former monitored child of DSWD Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) from Palawan lands eight (8th) place in the recently held Social Workers Licensure Examination facilitated by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) in February 2022. Marissa Dondriano garnered an 82.60% score which made her bag the 8th place out of the 533 continue reading : Former 4Ps beneficiary ranks 8th place in SWLE


DSWD MIMAROPA 4Ps participates in the #BreakTheBias Campaign

MALATE, Manila City —- In celebration of Women’s Month. the DSWD MIMAROPA Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) participates in the advocacy campaign #BreakTheBias launched by the International Women’s Day (IWD) Organization. The IWD is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action continue reading : DSWD MIMAROPA 4Ps participates in the #BreakTheBias Campaign
